Remember the Old Home Place Forever

As southerners we want to hold onto to everything. And, sometimes we don't have the resources and time moves on. Only the memories remain and the stories we pass down to our children about our elders and our childhoods.

What memories are more special than those of the old home place. It may be the house you grew up in, or maybe your Grandmother's house or the farm where you spent every summer. It could be that old lake house or river house or beach house. No one but you and your family can appreciate what that porch swing brings to mind, or that old truck in the barn, or the fence going down the drive.

Here is a way to preserve those memories forever.

Several years ago I took my 75 year old mother to a family reunion that was held at her old family home place. We were lucky in that some cousins had lovingly cared for the place and as I sat in the yard eating fried chicken and potato salad, it was just like being there 40 years ago.

I went back and photographed the place and presented my mother with a book of the pictures. She went through the book, page by page, reminiscing over times she had spent there visiting her grandparents, playing with her cousins, and enjoying holidays with her family. Since then my mother has passed away. But, I captured the magic of the home place forever. Who knows the place may burn down tomorrow.

Let me capture that magic for your family.
The Brass Tacks (or How to Get it Done)

If you are interested in preserving a memory for generations to come I think you will be very surprised at how little it will cost to have your precious memories saved for generations to come by a professionally produced photographic book.

I like to work with every one on an individual basis because each project is a work in progress. Often we end up finding more than we thought was there. (Memories fade until we return home and are reunited - briefly- with the past.)

Just email me at I always enjoy hearing from folks and am happy to answer questions.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hwy 301 Bamberg SC

Bamberg is one of the little towns that dot Highway 301 that in its hey day was the North South corridor for the snow birds going back and forth to Florida. And, down here we were more than happy to trade our southern hospitality for their Yankee dollars. Most people know that the difference between a "Motel" and a "Hotel" is that a "Motel" is one for motorist along a route. It is a place that people drive their cars up to the  their room door to park. Most are one story, a few are two stories tall. A Motor Lodge is the same genre.

Once Interstate 95 came through (which basically parallels Hwy 301) it killed the hospitality economy along the old road, and took down many towns with it. Only those towns lucky enough to be close to an exit on the new highway benefited from its largess. And, then only the newer businesses, mainly chains, profited there. So the motels and motor lodges from Maryland through Florida, all along the old 301 route were left to die a slow death.

Having been out west and been on Route 66 several times, it dawned on me that 301 was much like 66, just without a song. There was the romance of the road, the history of the route. There were the memories so many folks had of traveling up and down that through way. Unfortunately, no one had taken the notion to come up with a catchy tune memorializing the wonder days of that time.

 Highway 301 runs right smack dab down the middle of our home town.I can remember as a little girl all the motels dotting the route with the local restaurants like "Berry's on the Hill" and "Jack Nolands" that serviced the motoring crowd. Orangeburg fell just right as a stopping point for travelers from the New York area on their way to Florida. And, we had our regulars who stopped in several times a year as they made their pilgrimage north or south.  

Now all those establishments are gone. The few motel buildings still standing have been morphed into different types of businesses, shelters, and used car dealerships. One, the Slumberland Motel, still stands as a shadow of its former self. The pool is still in the center court  and all the rooms still face the parking lot. But the colors are now red brick, not the bright cheery colors of the glory days.

It also got me thinking, how much was left? How many of these old motels along Hwy 301 from the glory days were still standing? So I took it upon myself to see just what remains. 

I started in Bamberg and found that the one motel that was still operating did not have a name, but used the old signage. 

With the Vacancy Sign that I truly wondered if it worked?

This hardly provided an inviting place after a long day on the road.

But then I found a sign from the glory days, the days of hospitality and motoring. It was all that was left of an establishment that once served so many.

This is only Bamberg, Hwy 301 runs from Dillion to Allendale in SC, let's see what else is left.

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